








1. 专业推拿:南宁韦氏推拿馆的推拿师均经过专业培训,掌握各种推拿手法,能够根据顾客的具体需求,制定个性化的推拿方案。

2. 热敷治疗:馆内提供热敷服务,通过热敷可以促进血液循环,缓解肌肉紧张,对肩颈、腰部疼痛等有显著疗效。

3. 足疗养生:足疗是南宁韦氏推拿馆的特色服务之一,通过按摩足部穴位,调节身体机能,达到养生保健的目的。

4. 美容护理:南宁韦氏推拿馆还提供美容护理服务,包括面部护理、眼部护理等,让顾客在享受推拿的同时,也能焕发青春活力。


1. 专业的推拿师团队:南宁韦氏推拿馆拥有一支经验丰富、技术精湛的推拿师团队,为顾客提供高品质的推拿服务。

2. 个性化服务:根据顾客的具体需求,定制个性化的推拿方案,确保每位顾客都能得到满意的体验。

3. 优雅的环境:南宁韦氏推拿馆环境优雅,宽敞明亮,让顾客在舒适的环境中放松身心。

4. 优惠活动:南宁韦氏推拿馆定期推出优惠活动,让顾客享受到实惠的价格。







1. 按摩区:提供中式按摩、泰式按摩、瑞典按摩等多种按摩服务,由经验丰富的按摩师为您解除疲劳。

2. 水疗区:设有多种水疗设施,如桑拿房、蒸浴室、冷热水池等,帮助顾客调节体温,促进血液循环。

3. 美容区:提供专业的美容护理服务,如面部护理、身体磨砂、脱毛等,让您的肌肤焕发青春光彩。

4. 运动区:设有瑜伽房、健身房等,供顾客在享受水疗的同时,进行适当的身体锻炼。



1. 专属定制:根据顾客的体质和需求,水疗师会为您量身定制一套水疗方案,确保达到最佳效果。

2. 专业团队:中心拥有一支专业的服务团队,从接待、按摩、美容到运动,每一位员工都经过严格培训,确保为您提供优质的服务。

3. 休闲设施:水疗中心还设有茶室、阅读区等休闲设施,让您在享受水疗的同时,感受宁静与舒适。

4. 礼遇尊享:为庆祝顾客的光临,中心不定期推出优惠活动,让每位顾客都能享受到超值的体验。







1. 传统桑拿:传统桑拿是南宁桑拿按摩的主流,通过高温环境使人体毛孔扩张,促进血液循环,排出体内毒素,达到养生保健的目的。

2. 热石按摩:热石按摩是利用加热后的石头按摩身体,具有舒缓肌肉、促进血液循环、缓解疲劳等功效。

3. 草本药浴:草本药浴选用多种中草药熬制而成,具有祛湿、消炎、止痒等作用,是养生保健的佳品。

4. 美容养生:南宁的桑拿按摩中心还提供美容养生服务,如面部护理、身体护理等,让您在享受按摩的同时,焕发青春活力。


1. 环境舒适:南宁的桑拿按摩中心装修典雅,环境舒适,让您在放松身心的同时,感受到家的温馨。

2. 技师专业:南宁的桑拿按摩技师具有丰富的经验,手法娴熟,能够根据您的需求提供个性化的服务。

3. 价格合理:南宁的桑拿按摩价格亲民,让您在享受高品质服务的同时,无需承担高昂的费用。

4. 体验丰富:南宁的桑拿按摩中心提供多种项目,满足不同人群的需求,让您在养生之旅中尽情享受。


1. 缓解疲劳:桑拿按摩能够促进血液循环,缓解肌肉疲劳,让您在忙碌的生活中找到片刻的宁静。

2. 排毒养颜:桑拿按摩有助于排出体内毒素,改善皮肤状况,让您由内而外焕发光彩。

3. 改善睡眠:桑拿按摩能够舒缓神经,缓解压力,让您拥有良好的睡眠质量。

4. 预防疾病:桑拿按摩有助于增强免疫力,预防疾病,让您拥有健康的身体。







1. 专业团队:南宁乳腺按摩医院拥有一支由资深乳腺科专家、按摩师、护士等组成的医护团队,他们具备丰富的临床经验和精湛的技术,为患者提供个性化、全方位的乳腺健康服务。

2. 先进设备:医院引进了国内外先进的乳腺检查设备,如乳腺彩超、乳腺钼靶等,为患者提供准确、快速的乳腺疾病诊断。

3. 个性化治疗:针对不同患者的病情,医院采用中西医结合的治疗方法,结合按摩、针灸、中药等特色疗法,为患者制定个性化治疗方案。

4. 康复护理:医院设有康复护理中心,为乳腺疾病患者提供全面的康复护理服务,帮助患者尽快恢复健康。

5. 乳腺健康科普:南宁乳腺按摩医院定期举办乳腺健康知识讲座,提高公众对乳腺疾病的认识和预防意识。


1. 乳腺疾病诊断:乳腺彩超、乳腺钼靶、乳腺穿刺活检等。

2. 乳腺疾病治疗:乳腺炎、乳腺增生、乳腺肿瘤等。

3. 乳腺按摩:通过按摩手法缓解乳腺疼痛、促进血液循环、预防乳腺疾病。

4. 乳腺养生:提供乳腺保健、乳腺护理等养生服务。

5. 乳腺康复:针对乳腺疾病患者,提供康复训练、心理疏导等服务。


1. 专业技术:南宁乳腺按摩医院拥有一支专业的医护团队,为患者提供精湛的医疗技术。

2. 环境舒适:医院环境优雅,设施齐全,为患者提供温馨的就诊体验。

3. 服务周到:医院实行人性化服务,关注患者需求,为患者提供全方位的关爱。

4. 价格合理:医院严格执行国家收费标准,确保患者就医费用合理。

















1. 南宁会所:集养生、美容、保健、推拿于一体的男子高端SPA会所,提供净桑、私人茶道、高端水疗、洗浴、特色spa等服务项目。

2. 南宁男士spa养生馆:提供50多个休闲保健减压项目,让你在享受奢华与自然完美结合的同时,释放压力。

3. 南宁KB会所:环境优雅,服务一流,是南宁白领放松身心的好去处。







1. 专业技术团队


2. 多样化的按摩项目


3. 舒适的按摩环境


4. 周到的服务



1. 缓解疲劳


2. 改善睡眠


3. 调节内分泌


4. 预防疾病



It’s not that craftsmen are not good at their craft. They use their intelligence and technical strength to quickly build a tubular firearm into a huge gun body about three meters long. It looks really awesome.

Then the craftsmen began to carry out the iron bullet launch test.
Fortunately, they remembered that Su Yonglin told them to stay away from the test site and find a good bunker to warn them, otherwise Su Yonglin could not wait until today to collect the bodies of these craftsmen.
Simply put, it’s not an accident. Three tragic failures.
The first batch of five-door iron cannons were completely blown up. If thunder broke the iron, it shattered a wooden lookout and scared everyone.
A piece of iron directly rubbed the head of the firearms department, Qiu Yuan, and flew over, giving Qiu Yuan a fright that his heart was almost jumping out.
After Su Yonglin’s transformation, the explosive strength of gunpowder was greatly improved, and the gunpowder craftsmen kept improving the explosive performance of gunpowder, but the iron cannon could not carry such a strong force and cracked directly.
The first experiment was declared a failure
The craftsmen learned the lesson that they didn’t have enough strength in smelting iron, so they worked hard to master the technology of smelting iron to the extreme. After several shifts around the clock, the second batch of five-door guns was quickly built and then tested.
It’s another accident that five consecutive explosions completely cooled the hearts of craftsmen.
They began to reflect on what was going on, what went wrong, and how to upgrade their casting technology and iron strength. A group of experienced blacksmiths thought hard day and night and even called blacksmiths from other departments to study together.
After full argumentation, they started the third action, cast five iron cannons again and continued their experiments.
It’s still five consecutive bombings, but it’s not so broken than the first bombing.
The craftsmen looked at the broken proving ground and wanted to cry.
They brooded and thought about it.
Suddenly Qiu Yuan, the head of the Firearms Division, remembered that Su Yonglin had told them to try copper if iron didn’t work.
So he suggested that the Firearms Division secondment a group of copper and coppersmith to assist the Firearms Division in casting. Because copper is more expensive, he cast two doors to try the effect.
Don’t say that the copper casting copper cannon successfully launched a spherical iron bullet and successfully hit the mountain in the test site and smashed a pit. It looks good.
The craftsman were so excited that they hugged each other to celebrate and felt that they had finally fulfilled their promise to Su Yonglin.
But this time Qiu Yuan had a problem.
"Copper is precious. This is to cast money and really use it to cast guns. How much copper does it take for the navy to have hundreds or thousands of doors without backing? Do we still have copper to cast money with? "
Craftsmen, look at me. I’ll see if you don’t talk.
Moreover, they really don’t know much about the economic problems. They have determined the feasibility of new gunpowder weapons from the technical level.
However, Qiu Yuan felt that such a report would definitely not be passed, which would inevitably lead to some economic criticism. The Ministry of Finance would certainly not agree, and he still asked craftsmen to try iron.
The craftsmen urged Qiu Yuan to say that the iron was really useless, and it was blown up three times. Then the iron cannon was taken out and killed one of our own before the enemy was killed. What is this?
Qiu Yuan doesn’t know that the head key here is that the copper casting gun is too high, and I’m afraid the financial situation is hard to bear now.
"I know that iron alone can’t work, but copper can’t stand it. The court will definitely not agree to large-scale copper casting guns or iron."
When the two sides disagree, a craftsman has a whim.
"Copper can’t do it alone. Why don’t you try casting the gun body together with copper and iron? What do you think? "
On the spot, everyone looked at the craftsman strangely and looked at him all over.
But I have to say that this is a new idea. Qiu Yuan followed this discussion and felt that the firearms effect and the court finances found a delicate balance point.
So he allowed craftsmen to experiment.
Su Yonglin came to the stall when the Firearms Division decided how to combine copper and iron to try to jointly cast the gun body. They also found a preliminary direction-iron core copper body.
This is due to a physical property that the melting point of copper is much lower than that of iron.
Craftsmen don’t know that this is a physical property, but they have experience and long-term work, so that they can master these experiences, and with these experiences, they can find the right method.
Although their efforts are still in progress at this time, I don’t know when they can really finish such a gun.
When Su Yonglin came to visit, the casting gunner was still in full swing.
Chapter 667 Positions make qualified iron!
Su Yonglin followed Qiu Yuan to the casting gun and saw the craftsmen who were working with high-temperature cast iron.
"Who came up with this method of iron core copper body?"
Su Yonglin asked Qiu Yuan with interest.
"It was a craftsman who told Wang Tie to deal with iron in the first half of his life. At that time, he just said that I just thought that this method might be feasible. After all, copper is used to cast money and things to cast guns. I’m afraid the finances can’t accept it."
"It’s very thoughtful of you. This is really a problem."
Su Yonglin nodded, "Don’t say that we were short of copper and money in the Southern Dynasties, but we may lose money here. I think we have to make some changes, but the changes will take a while."
"Although copper can successfully build artillery, I feel that this is a problem."
Qiu Yuan said, "It’s just that Wang Tietou came up with this idea and tried it a little bit. Can iron and copper be added together to complete the casting of the gun body? If you can, it’s a good idea."
Su Yonglin was silent for a while, wondering if he could help reasoning. Suddenly, like a flash through the skull, he thought of a key point.
"By the way, when you cast guns, remember that the thickness of the gun body cannot be the same."
Qiu Yuan blinked a little and asked, "What do you mean? I am not very white. "
"Before you cast guns, was the thickness of the barrel the same from the muzzle to the tail?"
"Well … I really haven’t noticed this steel-toed! Steelhead, come here! "
Qiu Yuan shouted at the cast cannon car, and soon a dark-faced blacksmith in his thirties came running.
"What’s the matter … hey! Hey! Caocao Caocao people have seen you! "
Wang Tie-tou saw Su Yonglin around Qiu Yuan at first sight, but Su Yonglin raised his hand and stopped him.
"Okay, okay, don’t bother, don’t pay attention to this."
Su Yonglin walked over and asked, "Steelhead, did you tell me that the thickness of the barrel was the same from the muzzle to the tail when we were casting guns?"
Wang Tietou blinked.
"Yes … right?"
"Well, that’s the problem."
Su Yonglin clapped his hands and said, "You can’t do this. When casting guns, the thickness of the barrel should be gradually thickened from the muzzle to the tail. The thickness of the barrel should be the thickest, but the muzzle can be slightly thinner."
"What is this?"
Qiu Yuan and Wang Tietou watched Su Yonglin together.
Su Yonglin thought about it and decided to explain it to them in easy-to-understand words.
"What do you think? We’re casting guns to shoot iron bullets out of the barrel and make them fly farther. It’s harder than a trebuchet, right?"
Two people nod.
"Then how do you think iron bullets and gunpowder barrels can make iron bullets fly out of the barrel?"
"Er … it was the gunpowder barrel that exploded and then the iron bullet was blown out, right?"
Wang Tie made a gesture of "bomb yourself first and then bomb others, otherwise the barrel wouldn’t be blown to pieces. That’s what I think."
This guy also told me the feeling of seven injuries boxing.
But it’s true that this thing is to blow yourself up first and then blow others up. You have to be able to withstand the bombing to ensure that the enemy is killed.
So Su Yonglin smiled.
Su Yonglin pointed to Wang Tietou. "Iron bullets and gunpowder are all fortress to the tail of the gun. The tail of the gun is where the gunpowder ignites and explodes. You want to ignite and launch the gunpowder, and then push the iron bullets out of the barrel so that the iron bullets can fly out.
Where did the gunpowder explode? If the tail of the gun is not thick enough, won’t the barrel be directly blown through? Compared with this gun tube, it is not necessary to be so thick. I think that’s the problem. "
Su Yonglin explained that Qiu Yuan and Wang Tietou fell into deep thinking for a while, and they found that it was really such a statement.
They all know the explosive power of gunpowder. If the iron pipe is not thick enough, isn’t it true that the explosive power of gunpowder can’t be carried? Isn’t it going to be blown to pieces?
Wang Tietou really felt suddenly enlightened at this thought.

Cang Lang will hold hands opposite the police one by one, not to be outdone, and raise their guns!

He Bixiao scalp pins and needles today this thing is in trouble, but at this time of death can’t give in, can first think of some way to bring people back to the city bureau.
He Bixiao cold way "to the captain you executive male I am also executive male sorry want to take people also have to wait for me to go back to the police station for the record you let your battalion chief to VIP you are not qualified! "
Little Cang Lang’s division marshal is just a school, so we have to think about taking people away from the director of the open Beijing police station. Then where can we put our faces?
It’s easy for Debiao to see each other say RuanHua. Anyway, Hong Qi has gone to the commander and alarmed the commander. He’s not afraid of getting fresh here. It won’t be long before the commander will kill himself. Just protect Zhong Tengan.
To Debiao thought of here and replied, "He, director of the staff, can you be there? We Cang Lang will go to the police station with you. Zhong Teng must accept our 24-hour protection monitoring in Cang Lang. If something goes wrong, it’s not that you, a small police chief, can withstand this hole! Don’t say I didn’t warn you! "
He Bixiao can now go through a thousand materials. I didn’t expect Cang Lang to move so fast. They have already arrived before taking people back to the police station. Now they can take it one step at a time! Yu Fantong Teng Kehong, those two guys are out of his consideration now. Don’t say that since they have found themselves, those two guys can’t afford a good fight. A fat beating is still the lightest!
Zhang Shengqi, the headquarters of Beijing Military Region in Dongcheng, is sitting at the Chen Hai chat table with two bottles of wine. Two people have worked together in the Central Strategic Corps for a long time. Today, Chen Hai drove to the headquarters of Beijing Military Region to visit his old friends.
While drinking and chatting, a staff officer hurried in and shouted, "Report to the commander, Hong Qi, the third team leader of Cang Lang Brigade, who asked to see you in an emergency!"
John Zhang raised his eyebrows and showed that the blue sky Yue Mengbiao, the battalion chief of Cang Lang Brigade, went to Cang Lang, Mexico, and the daily affairs department handed it over to Hong Qi and Xiang Debiao. Recently, he was busy with the adjustment of the Beijing Military Region and rarely noticed that they didn’t know what happened in Hong Qi this time and ran to the headquarters late.
Zhang Shengqi replied faintly, "Call Hong Qi in."
Staff back out and then the door was pushed open, and Hong Qi finally broke in with a full face of anger.
John Zhang wrinkle frown drink a way "Hong Qi how don’t have any rules here is the headquarters! Can’t even type the report? "
Hong Qi stuffy way "commander, do you have any idea to listen to me shout a report for you? * * * * * is going to kill you. Do you still have the mind to drink here? "
John Zhang heart a surprised and asked, "what’s the matter? What happened? "
Hong Qi replied, "Do you remember Zhong Teng? Don’t tell me you don’t know him! "
Zhang Shengqi leaps up and even drives the wine table to drink a big way "Zhong Teng? Hong Qi, how do you know this man? When he quit Cang Lang, you didn’t join the army! "
Hong Qi said with a wry smile, "Commander Zhong has made trouble. This afternoon, his wife went to Nanyuan for help alone. I found out that Zhong Teng was seriously injured by Liangxiang Police Station and arrested!"
John Zhang smell speech head the veins stood out to detain jumped up and grabbed Hong Qi collar big drink a way "what time do you say to make things? Tell the old man what’s going on? "
Hong Qi hurriedly gave Zhang Shengqi a story.
Zhang Shengqi gave Hong Qi a box on the ear and denounced, "You * * * * * waste always want you to have what? It’s just one person. You were taken away by those policemen and taken to the city bureau? Against them * * *! "
Hong Qi felt his face burning pain, but this slap was not unjust. Since its establishment, Cang Lang has always been connected with the same spirit, and he has never been bullied by others outside Cang Lang. When did Cang Lang bully others? It’s a good thing I was caught directly in the police station!
Chapter one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six Anger
Zhang Shengqi is really impatient. He has never made a move towards his own department since he joined the army! Zhong Teng, that’s my closest comrade-in-arms. I gave up a leg! Don’t say this, just say that Cang Lang has made great achievements, and only some elders have done it. It is difficult for some local ruffians to bully God!
John Zhang’s eyes are bloodshot. It’s too timid. Cang Lang was so timid! * * * * * Is it possible for everyone to go to Cang Lang and take a shit and pee? A small Beijing police station is a broken director * * * * * even the minister of public security is three points short!
"Staff Xiao ordered the guard camp to be in an emergency, and they would not tear down their Beijing police station and write it backwards!"
Zhang Shengqi toward the door binge drinking Xiao staff have never seen the commander send such a big temper, and I don’t know what Hong Qi said to the commander, but at this time, I can’t stroke of bad luck Xiao staff finally started to command the whole headquarters to start hectic.
Aside Chen Hai got a fright. What about the emergency of the guard camp? Does this Zhang Shengqi really want to tear down the Beijing Police Department? Grandma, this is a disaster!
Chen Hai grabbed John Zhang and said urgently, "You don’t want to mess around when you win. The military police station belongs to two systems. If you do this, there will be chaos!"
"You get out of the way!"
Zhang Shengqi never used to drink with Chen Hai again, which pushed Chen Hai to a staggered position. John Zhang took the lead in the whole of Cang Lang. Chen Hai just walked out of the military school, where did the officer stand up to John Zhang?
Until Chen Haiwen heel John Zhang got up early and ran out in big strides!
Chen Hai stamped his feet quickly and chased him out. He grabbed John Zhang’s arm again and shouted, "You can’t mess around. If there is anything, we can report it to the War Department or directly negotiate with the Beijing City Hall. If Cang Lang really suffers injustice, our brothers will never give in!"
John Zhang pointed to Chen Hai’s head and shouted, "Chen Hai, you say it’s nonsense. If you go late, something happened to Zhong Teng’s eldest brother. Then they will all be killed and have a fart! Didn’t you hear it? Now Brother Zhong Teng is seriously injured! * * * * * * The old people are bleeding and sweating. Just two days after peace, they dare to stab the old people without killing a few people. They don’t know how to converge! "
Chen Hai roared, "Bastard, you’re going to be punished for doing this. Maybe you need a military court!"
Zhang Shengqi took a deep breath and sink a way "is that the President will shoot me when the time comes! Everyone immediately boarded the Beijing police station! "
Say this Zhang Shengqi jumped out of the car and roared off!
Chen Hai just stood there and his heart was full of bitterness. It’s going to poke out a big basket. No, we have to find someone to put out the fire quickly
Chen Hai turned around and saw Xiao’s staff roared, "* * * What are you still doing? Get a car for the old man. If the General Staff is late, just wait and burn paper with your commander!"
Chen Hai is familiar with John Zhang’s personality, Zhang Yihu’s younger brother, which is a model. Maybe it will kill people, and it’s not one!
Xiao staff see bulging eyes Zheng Chen Hai know where is going to be a big thing, dare to neglect hurriedly Zhang Shengqi take a car at ordinary times to open out.
Chen Hai jumped into the car and shouted, "General Staff! I hope it will come again soon! "
The distance from the military command to the general staff is not close, but it is better to be late. There are no pedestrians. The car rushed to the front of the general staff in less than 20 minutes!
One side of the guard quickly signaled to stop. Chen Hai’s head was exposed from the inside and shouted, "* * * * * Get out of here! There’s always an emergency!"
The guards can see clearly by the light. It is Chen Hai’s former commander of the Central Strategic Corps who has always been gentle. Commander Chen looks gloomy and a little scary today. His forehead is full of sweat. He knows that things are not simple. He quickly let go of the roadblocks and the car rushed in!
Chen Hai got off the bus and running all the way went straight to the office of the chief of the General Staff. He knew that Xu Huaijin must be busy with the army at ordinary times!
The office door was directly kicked by Chen Hai!
No one in the outhouse of the office today. Xu Huaijin called Wu Peifu to a meeting with Ling Qing and Duan Yu to study the army. It was late, and all the departments went to the lounge to set the food and talk while eating. Just then, there was a loud noise and the office door was kicked open!
Wu Peifu roared, "* * * * Who has no rules at all? This is the chief’s office!"
Huai-jin xu heart jump a motioning with his hand to act quickly came out from the inside to see Chen Haizheng office door full head big sweat face all changed!
Xu Huaijin sighed, "What’s wrong with Chen Hai? What’s the panic!"

Kuroha looked at her eyes with a warmth, and she said, "It’s easy to make enough money for a place like this by evil means." Don’t you want to go back to your master early? If you stay here with me, I’m afraid you won’t want to leave when you are born. "

Yin Niang naturally wants to go back to her master. If it weren’t for saving her, Kuroha wouldn’t have strayed into the underworld and been trapped. She was asked to abandon Kuroha alone, regardless of her theory. She said, "Although there are a lot of gold, it is much easier for two people to earn it together than alone. If we do more good deeds, we may not need to pay so much again …"
Kuroha smiled, and she didn’t often laugh. This smile was like a glacier that had accumulated for thousands of years and suddenly melted by the spring breeze. It was generally very beautiful. She shook her head. "You really don’t want to stay with me. Now it’s much safer to stay here than to go out. You want to spend money, and others want to spend money. Maybe besides, even if I have no place to go from here, I will bring trouble. Will you stay with me?"
Yin Niang is a soft-hearted person who can’t help but catch Kuroha’s hand when he sees Kuroha with loneliness. "Who said you have no place to go? You can go wherever I go, and can’t you see Taiyi Day? Master said that only my first cousin can see the handwriting in the sky. Won’t you come back to the barren hills with me? Master will be willing to accept you, and my second sister and I will welcome you. "
"You can only understand the sky if you have a brother in Taiyi?" It was the first time that Kuroha heard about it. He couldn’t help thinking that someone had spoken to him.
-"Be my apprentice!"
There is a warm current that has never been seen before in the hearts of hag girls.
Yin Niang thought for a moment and suddenly laughed. "We are really stupid. We may not need to stay here until we earn enough money to leave."
She took Kuroha by the hand and ran to Kuroha, and she didn’t know what she was going to do. She had to follow her to the face of Baoguang Xuzang Bodhisattva again. "Master, if I come back here after I leave, will it be the same as now?"
"It’s different to come and go," said the Bodhisattva. "It’s a paper to come and a paper to go without evil deeds."
Yin Niang asked again, "Is it against the rules for me to bring money from outside to pay for my friend?"
"It’s kind," said the Buddha, "It’s not natural to give convenience to others. If someone is willing to spend time with another person, that person will have something to spend."
Yin Niang took out two coppers and said, "One is for me to leave and the other is for me to come back."
Turn around and look at Kuroha Yin Niang. "You wait for me, and I will come back to pick you up soon after I return to the wild land."
Kuroha was silent.
Yin Niang asked, "Don’t you believe me?"
The hag girl was silent for a long time before she slowly said, "Whatever."
The tone is very cold
The eyes are warm.
"Amitabha" Bao Guang hides the Bodhisattva in vain. "Just go to Taishan Road and go to the girl at the top of the tower."
"Wait for me!" Yin Niang looked at Kuroha.
With a wave of her hand, she walked along the stairs.
It was not until Yin Niang’s back disappeared that Kuroha walked out of the basement. She never thought that anyone would let herself wait for her, and she never thought that she could find friends.
Look at the people coming and going ahead, she is silent …
Chapter 14 become a butterfly Falls in Jiuquan Chapter 15 Sifang Juxian holds bucket handle.
Chapter 14 become a butterfly falls in the grave
When Yinniang came to the top of the tower, there was a person waiting for her, which was the dharma bodhisattva among the five hidden bodhisattvas.
After the ceremony, Yinniang told the dharma circle that she had come to hide the Bodhisattva, saying, "It’s good". Two middle fingers were tied outside her hands and stood up like a pagoda. It was the dharma circle that hid the seal in the west. At the other end of the bridge, a golden gate appeared. There were five animals carved by the door, namely a lion, an elephant, a horse, a peacock and a Garuda bird with pearls on its top to enlarge the light.
The Bodhisattva in the Dharma circle crossed her hands and said, "Stepping through this door is the invitation of the patroness at the other end of the Dharma circle of Taishan Youquan Daoye."
Yin Niang decided that there was no movement.
The dharma world hides the bodhisattva in vain. "Does the patroness have other things to do?"
Yin Niang said, "Master, do you smell anything?"
The Bodhisattva in the Dharma realm frowned. He did smell something … blood.
Blood gas comes from practice.