
















1. 南宁市区的“老茶馆”


2. 中华茉莉园


3. 大明山茶园


4. 武鸣纳天山庄桑拿夜网品茶论坛http://www.chechengpin.cn









1. 专业团队:南宁丽都健康养生中心拥有一支经验丰富的医疗、康复、养生专家团队,为顾客提供全方位的康养服务。

2. 多元化产品:中心设有中医养生馆、康复理疗中心、运动健身馆、健康体检中心、老年公寓等多元化产品,满足不同顾客的需求。

3. 环境优美:项目位于南宁市青秀区,周边绿树成荫,空气清新,为顾客提供舒适的康养环境。

4. 一站式服务:南宁丽都健康养生中心提供从健康体检、康复理疗、养生保健到老年公寓等一系列一站式服务,让顾客享受无忧的康养生活。


1. 政策支持:南宁市作为国家首批养老服务业综合改革试点城市,政府对康养产业发展给予了大力支持,为南宁丽都健康养生中心的发展提供了良好的政策环境。

2. 地理优势:南宁市作为广西壮族自治区首府,拥有丰富的自然资源和人文景观,为南宁丽都健康养生中心的发展提供了广阔的市场空间。

3. 品牌优势:南宁丽都健康养生中心以高品质、专业化的服务赢得了广大顾客的认可,成为南宁市康养产业的知名品牌。












1. 瑞士水疗:采用瑞士进口设备,通过水压、水流、水温等多种物理因素,帮助顾客达到舒缓疲劳、放松身心的效果。

2. 中医理疗:结合中医经络学说,运用按摩、拔罐、刮痧等方法,调理身体,改善亚健康状态。

3. 温泉SPA:选用优质温泉水,配合专业手法,为顾客带来愉悦的体验。

4. 汗蒸:通过高温环境,促进血液循环,加速新陈代谢,排出体内毒素。



































1. 准备工作:推拿师会先为顾客准备好按摩床、竹杆等工具,并让顾客放松身心,调整呼吸。

2. 起手式:推拿师以轻柔的手法在顾客身上进行轻拍,使肌肉放松,为接下来的推拿做好准备。

3. 推拿过程:推拿师手持竹杆,从顾客的头部、颈部、肩部、背部、腰部、四肢等部位进行敲击、拍打、揉搓。在推拿过程中,推拿师会根据顾客的身体状况和需求,调整力度和手法。

4. 结束式:推拿结束后,推拿师会再次轻拍顾客的身体,帮助肌肉放松,促进血液循环。


1. 缓解疲劳:竹杆推拿能有效地缓解因长时间工作、学习等原因导致的肌肉疲劳。

2. 改善睡眠:推拿有助于放松身心,提高睡眠质量。

3. 调节内分泌:竹杆推拿可以促进内分泌系统的平衡,改善肤色和肌肤状况。

4. 增强免疫力:通过推拿,可以提高人体免疫力,预防疾病。

5. 改善呼吸系统:推拿有助于扩张肺部,提高呼吸功能。






1. 中草药养生:采用广西特色中草药,如三七、枸杞、党参等,通过药浴、熏蒸等方式,帮助调理身体,增强免疫力。

2. 水疗按摩:运用专业的按摩手法,配合温泉、水疗设备,舒缓肌肉疲劳,促进血液循环。

3. 香薰疗法:选用高品质的香薰精油,如薰衣草、玫瑰、薄荷等,通过香薰机将香气弥漫于整个空间,达到放松心情、舒缓压力的效果。

4. 美容护肤:采用天然有机护肤品,为顾客提供全方位的美容护理,使肌肤焕发光彩。


1. 悦豪足道健康公馆:位于南宁金浦路,拥有25个不同功能的私密包厢,提供泡脚水疗、中草药精油肩颈按摩、太空舱面部护理、瑶浴等项目。此外,还有豪华星空顶影厅,让您在享受按摩的同时,还能观看电影。

2. 盛华门保健中心:位于南宁市青秀区,拥有50多个休闲保健减压项目,包括足浴、按摩、刮痧、拔罐等。这里环境优雅,服务周到,是放松身心的好去处。

3. 萨百帝泰国皇家SPA:以泰国皇家SPA为特色,提供泰式按摩、草药沐足、泰式香薰等项目。在这里,您可以感受到浓郁的异国风情,享受一场身心的洗礼。

4. 南宁白马会所有哪些男士休闲桑拿会所:白马会所是一家集桑拿、SPA、休闲为一体的综合性养生馆,拥有专业的技师团队和丰富的项目选择,为男士们提供专属的养生空间。


1. 提前预约:为了避免高峰期等待,建议提前预约SPA项目。

2. 选择适合自己的项目:根据自己的需求,选择合适的SPA项目,如舒缓疲劳、美容护肤、养生保健等。

3. 保持放松:在SPA过程中,尽量放松身心,享受舒适的环境和专业的服务。

4. 注意饮食:SPA前后,建议保持清淡饮食,避免油腻、辛辣食物。


When Wu Min said this, he suddenly punched the ground and scared Lin Jin almost to the ground.

Carefully watching Wu Min open another bottle of wine and start drinking by herself, Lin Jin began to be helpless. She had little experience in comforting others, especially a newly lovelorn person, which was simply torture for her, even if she was allowed to sit at the women’s clothing counter, she would not feel so embarrassed now.
"Otherwise don’t drink? It’s a woman. "Lin Jin’s brain is running fast in an attempt to find something that the internet has found to comfort him." It’s hard for a toad with three legs to find a woman with two legs, isn’t it all over the street? Right? "
Wu Min looked up at Lin Jin’s words and glanced at her. It was as if she were going to eat her.
Jin Lin was a quiver with a smile.
It seems that Chen Shiqi was accidentally compared to a toad.
Chapter 56 55 Xiao Ling and Wu Min
Lin Jin looked at Wu Min with a bottle of wine and a bottle of wine. Wu Min usually had a good capacity for liquor, but now he has only drunk five or six bottles. The whole person collapsed against the wall and looked dull. His mouth kept muttering and complaining.
Lin Jin looked a little distressed, but she couldn’t speak at all. She also said it was almost the same, and almost all the comforting words in her head came out, but Wu Min was still like this.
Wu Min suddenly bent his legs and tried to get up from the ground, but he stumbled and sat back, then looked up and said to Lin Jin, "I want to go to the toilet."
"good toilet"
Lin Jin was extremely resistant to putting his bracelet on his neck in an attempt to carry him up, but she was thin when she came. She couldn’t carry this lump of more than 150 kilograms of fat, and even Lin Jin fell to the ground as soon as she got up.
I don’t like glancing at the floor with soot and cigarette butts. Now my ass must be full of soot.
You can settle Wu Min before you go to wash it.
Lin Jin once again tried her best. Fortunately, this time, Wu Min was quite cooperative, and the two men stumbled up. Half of Wu Min’s body was pressed by Lin Jin, which made her stumble and hold the little face at the next table, which was tightly knit together because of being overwhelmed.
Only with Wu Min took two steps, Lin Jin slightly adapted to Wu Min’s weight but felt something was wrong.
What, you can eat my tofu when you’re drunk? !
Lin Jin bowed their heads and glanced at Wu Min’s hand hanging on his chest, which just clung to her left chest. Although nothing moved, Lin Jin wore a thin long sleeve at this time, and the cold and biting hand covered his chest and chest was stimulated at two points.
A little angry took his hand aside, and then Lin Jin stumbled and almost fell to the ground because of distraction.
"You try to walk, too, but I can’t carry you."
Because of Wu Min’s consciousness of eating tofu, Lin Jin’s attitude towards him is a lot worse. Although he is a "man", there are still some ways to accept this kind of thing, especially the chest has become small and small.
I finally took Wu Min to the balcony only to find that someone in the toilet had locked the door.
As I said before, Lin Jin’s dormitory and the balcony of the dormitory next door are both public and sanitary.
"hey! Don’t open the door. "Lin Jin kicked his feet directly at the door and shouted at the people inside." Stop it! I will rush in if I don’t open the door. "
"Lu a hair! Wait another ten minutes! "
Lin Jin immediately put Wu Min into the balcony railing and then kept urging the people inside with his waist on.
Hygiene sound seems to be Xiao Ling, that is, the only guy who knows that Lin Jin is a woman except the dormitory.
See Xiao Ling ignore her Jin shook by Wu Min stained with the smell of wine, everything turned on the phone and chatted with the black cat. Before five minutes, Xiao Ling came out of the health. He saw at a glance that he was leaning against the railing and looking up at Tianyi. My goal was to be the stars, the sea and Wu Min.
"What’s the matter?" He looked at Lin Jin and walked beside Wu Min. He propped up and hurried over to put his hand on it. "Wu Min, this is lovelorn? Drunk like this. "
"Yes, I am lovelorn. I think he is driving me crazy when he drinks." Lin Jin sighed. There is a lot less pressure to help her with Xiao Ling. It is easy to help Wu Min in and then look at Wu Min and rip off his pants.
"Why don’t you go out first?" Xiao Ling glanced at Lin Jin with a strange face.
Lin Jin remembered that she was a woman in Xiao Ling’s eyes, and then she saw at a glance that Wu Min had taken off her pants and showed bulging boxers.
Immediately turned around and walked out of the health Lin Jinsheng was afraid of being Xiao Ling, who was a particularly open woman.
Not the kui is to hide from the boys’ dormitory life, but the younger sister is psychologically strong and has a particularly thick skin.
Xiao Ling sobbed at the corner of her mouth and began to recall whether she had ever used the toilet with Lin Jin, so Lin Jin might have seen it all.
But it’s no big deal to be seen by my sister, right?
"Well …"
Wu Min muttered Xiao Ling in a low voice, only to sway from the powerful psychological worship of Lin Jin and help him out of health. At a glance, he saw his face slightly red, and Lin Jin was looking around on the balcony railing.
It seems that this sister Lin Jin is not so shameless.
"I help to advise? You go and wash your face first. It’s soot. "Xiao Ling didn’t look at Lin Jin and said casually while bringing Wu Min into the dormitory.
"Face is soot?" Lin Jin blinked and wiped her face with a blank hand, only to find that her face was actually covered with soot.
"I must have gotten my face when I just fell."
Lin Jin soliloquized to bring a towel to hang the washroom and wipe it a little. Then she poked her head and looked at the situation in the dormitory and found that Xiao Ling had actually drunk with Wu Min …
The two of them are not satisfied with the cigarette butts. They sit cross-legged while smoking and drinking. The two people are talking about the fact that some women are foreign objects.
But I said that before, right? What, Wu Min doesn’t seem happy?
Lin Jin is a little depressed. Looking at the dormitory outside the balcony, two people seem to enjoy drinking and smoking.
Said that if Xiao Ling comforted Wu Min, would I be finished?
Lin Jin was not sure that she simply asked the black cat directly and got a positive answer. This was only a little relieved, but she still felt uncomfortable and bowed her head and glanced at her chest slightly, and her mood was even lower.
I’m a man, why do I have breasts … why did I become a fake mother when I was a man, and even occasionally become a real woman?
Although she is quite careless at ordinary times, but now she has slightly raised her chest, which has caused her some inferiority complex, especially when she was just met by Wu Minyi, which made people tremble all over and aroused her inferiority complex in developing her chest.
"What should I do if I wear short sleeves in the summer?" Lin Jin pulled a long face and leaned against the railing, cocked his head and looked at the dormitory for drinking. The two men held their chests in their hands. "Now you can still wear a coat to cover it, but it will definitely be obvious when summer comes. You can’t learn to write like that in a novel and get something wrapped up?"
Why don’t you move out after the New Year’s Eve party and get the bonus money?
"Jin Lin! Lou, buy us some dining tables! " Dormitory Xiao Ling suddenly turned to the balcony Lin Jin shout
What the hell! I told you to talk Wu Min out of drinking. Why did you have a drink with Wu Min? ! Also m dining tables?
"Order your own takeout!"
Chapter 57 56 Drunk [Two More]
Lin Jin, with a face of nai balcony, leaned against the railing and played with her mobile phone. Occasionally, she looked up and looked at the dormitory floor, making a lot of noise while booing.
How long are they going to drink this?
The dining tables were also sent to Wu Min and Xiao Ling through take-away. It was as if they had not seen their brothers for many years. At first, they criticized Chen Shiqi’s mother’s discrimination against outsiders. Later, they chatted and actually began to discuss where there was a topic of * * * * * * * near the school.
It’s agreed that you just had to break up and want to cry. How long has it been before the topic has been biased towards * * * * * * *?
Lin Jin didn’t understand Wu Min’s brain circuit after smoking the corner of his mouth, and he was only ten years old when he was just a freshman. He actually went to find it with his classmates when he graduated from senior three … Now he still teaches Wu Min experience.
Xiao Ling’s thought of lying in the trough is also very abnormal, okay?
With a sigh, Lin Jin doesn’t know if Wu Min and Xiao Ling can finish drinking like this, but even if they can’t finish Wu Minxian, there is no reason to be furious and slap themselves, right? I’m going to lie down after drinking, and I’m still furious. I don’t think I’ll get up. I guess I’ll just lie down and sleep with soot as a bed
Lin Xin suddenly came out of his dormitory. After he went into the health room and put water in it, he glanced at Lin Jin’s dormitory and was stunned for several seconds.
"What’s wrong with them?"
"Who knows a brokenhearted one said he was going to persuade them, and then they drank it." Lin Jinnai looked at Lin Xin. "I can’t even go back now. It’s disgusting because of the smell of smoke and wine."
"Don’t you smoke, too?" Lin Xin seems to have nothing to do. Just lean against the railing with Lin Jin. "Just go to my dormitory to play with Xiao Ling’s brain."
"Don’t, I’m afraid his mind is yellow."
Of course, this sentence of Lin Jin is not based on curiosity. When Cao Jian came to the brain, he found a lot of * * * and it was super heavy. If you dig a little deeper at that time, for example, you can make a guess about the folder hidden display settings, and you can still see more than ten G kinds hidden in his hard disk.
"Who told you to turn over other people’s brains?" Lin Xin sighed, "You are an invader who peeks at other people’s privacy. There is evidence to sue you, okay?"
"Everyone has curiosity!" Lin Jin rightfully bent his back. "And I’m not peeking. I usually look at it in front of others!"
One build what didn’t build a chat, and then Lin Xin got up. Lin Jin didn’t play the knife tower for a long time. Lin Jin immediately had a topic and started chatting with Lin Xin happily. The two of them also started talking about various tactics in the knife tower. They planned to try a video to show the tactics.
Lin Jin’s head is fantasizing that he and Lin Xin’s tactics can wait for a game to cooperate with a dozen five kinds of exercises, but suddenly he hears Lin Xin say
"They lay down …"
He tugged at the corner of his mouth and glanced at the dormitory, which was almost a bottle. "These two people can drink quite well."
Lin Jin shamelessly boasted, "I can drink well, too, ok?" When I graduated from senior three, I drank the whole class alone, but I didn’t like drinking and didn’t drink it often. "
After boasting, it doesn’t matter what Lin Xin should do if he doubts his eyes. Lin Jin went directly into the dormitory and bent down to converge the bottles into the wine boxes one by one. He planned to take these bottles out and exchange some money with the boss when there were few people in the school street at night.
Lin Xin also quite consciously took a broom to clean, but never smoked. He never adapted to the strong smell of alcohol and tobacco in the dormitory, which made him sick and vomited.

Carol’s vest came out with a chill, and all the secrets seemed to remain in front of the stone plane. Generally, her heart became more and more glad that she and her husband could be his companions, so she replied with an undisguised respectful voice, "It died strangely and suddenly grabbed its throat, which can be said to be very merciless! Scream! I can hardly see its sharp claws go deep into the neck! Then he fell … and died. "

At this point, there was a little more fear in her voice, as if she wanted to stop talking, but Shi Ping took a stern look and said it very naively. "That’s … like … when Jack was eaten by his own arm!"
Shi Ping listened to the light, but turned up a huge wave in his heart. His Bai Carol’s awkward concerns, after all, lurked an unknown object in his left hand, but he was Shi Ping after all! People who lingered on the edge of life and death several times in their early childhood! He thinks too much about one thing, which will not only make up for it, but also affect his peace of mind. He can’t help but think of Carlo’s dialogue at first. It’s by no means that he shows off his wisdom and depth. How can Shi Ping do anything to show off his shallowness? Others think that the dumber he is, the happier he will be. That’s because he told a lie, "Even if Vamon did it himself at that time, it may not be able to protect Cannon Week!"
In his heart, he knows not to say that Vamon can save his life even if he is a turtle. The fact that he can threaten Vamon must be impressive. How can he be as weak as the surface?
So he needs to give Mr. and Mrs. Carr confidence to keep this lie true.
Show off your grace in front of Sota Carlo.
Write to the reader again
It’s nearly a month since the posting. First of all, I’d like to thank the dark goblin Ponzi Brewster, the forest fire, Wei Shao daihui, etc. It’s not RL+V to write comments. Perhaps everyone has found that the update volume in these two days is less than in the past, because I need VIP and Cuiweiju VIP to make a choice, the update period will slow down and may be suspended, and the update volume will resume after the decision.
A friend asked if this should be science fiction. What should I position it as Xian Xia? That’s because the first part is a foreshadowing plan with about 50,000 words. The first part is to pave the way for some important people (such as the thousand-year-old ginseng). The second part will only write about Xian Xia and … Women don’t hide from you that they are the best at describing men’s and women’s feelings and … He … is of course always the principle that romance does not flow and there will be no primitive goblin fighting scenes! In fact, the most attractive time for a woman is definitely not the moment when she undresses, but the moment when she undresses … There is still a long way to go, so all friends need to walk with me.
On the issue of renaming, I can say that the topic V is the sacrifice of market economy …
Yu Pangji’s problem, I explain to you this way: the two turning points of the protagonist’s life course are like the intersection of the left and right lines of V in the third part, the world of Warcraft!
Chapter 20 Brutality ()
Shi Pingshun threw a few pieces of firewood into the fire, and the flames jumped up happily and made a "Bi Bo" sound. His mind also moved with the rapid movement of the flames, and a careful and detailed plan kept flowing in his heart, and then he was ruled out. According to the scale of the advance team killed by Barco yesterday, this time, the 731 troops are likely to be out between people. That is to say, they have to face no less than a hundred vicious, abnormal and fierce Japanese who are not afraid of death!
Thinking that these animals are worse than bastards, something suddenly floated in Shi Ping’s mind that he didn’t even want to recall.
Huang Laoshi is not surnamed Huang, but his wife is surnamed Huang. Because he is afraid of his wife and is timid, people call him Huang Laoshi. Instead, he gradually forgets his real name. He is not afraid that his wife loves her very much. He belongs to the kind of person who can’t wait to dig out his heart and give it to her to love the law. He listens to every sentence and remembers it one by one. In many cases, he forgets things even when his wife casually says it.
For example, before he went to work that afternoon, his wife casually said, "Oh, it would be great if I could eat boiled cabbage in this damn weather."
It’s the middle of winter, where can we find this vegetable? Even if there is one, it doesn’t belong to Huang Laoshi, the lowest class of society. People can afford Huang Laoshi. At that time, they were busy with their work, but they couldn’t help but smash this into their heads.
In the evening, A Niu’s neighbors came back from work one by one, and they usually went home the earliest. Huang Laoshi was uncharacteristically slow to return until it was too late. Even the enthusiastic neighbors next to him were a little worried. His wife still put on a pair of indifferent clothes and sat at the door to mend the corner of her eyes, but Zhang Dama called her around the corner. Only then did she wake up that the clothes had been mended and put the fan on her knees to mix. I didn’t know that her fingers were full of red needles, and Huang Laoshi waited until midnight. She returned stinking, and his wife rushed forward without reserve, twisting her ear for 36 degrees. Probably, her heart suddenly felt a little dreary, and her hands involuntarily and secretly reduced two points. In Huang Laoshi’s mouth, Melissa Zhou cried out and admitted that she was busy and handed out a handful of things that had been rubbed to powder. It turned out to be some yellow-green cabbage leaves. His face was simple and sincere, and he stammered with a smile. "You said earlier that you wanted to eat some cabbage. I went to the back door of the Lincoln Hotel across the hall to wait for Xiao Liu to take care of the kitchen garbage. I waited for him to come out and found some in
His wife smelled him stinking and looked at his dirty big hands with a long red mouth and a runny nose, twisting his ears. His hands had already loosened and he threw himself into his arms. "Wow" When he burst into tears, Huang Laoshi was all at sea. The street wife was so affectionate that he was not shy.
Even Huang Laoshi, such a vicissitudes person who doesn’t especially complain about bitterness but doesn’t feel sad, is kind and contented, and disaster will befall him!
Still a disaster.
The word miserable here is a tragic word.
If Huang Laoshi’s wife didn’t go out to borrow rice from the next door that day, it would be a normal thing to go out and borrow things, but it would be serious to bump into that special moment to go out.
That moment was special because several drunken people were driving outside.
That’s a few Japanese!
They saw Huang Laoshi’s wife, who was struggling with a big belly, narrowing her eyes and shooting a strange light.
As greedy as a dog sees a bone jackal looking for a meat cat catching a mouse and a wolf biting a sheep!
Huang Laoshi’s wife’s travel destination is just a wall next door to her home, and this is just a few steps away
But it became the end of the world.
Farther than ever.
end of the world
When Shi Ping arrived at the scene, he knew all the atrocities that had happened at that time. He remembered the bloody face when he stepped into the hut. That’s not because he forgot his things, but because the blood color is too impressive and strong! Living has occupied the part of the brain that should be left to him!
What he smelled in his nose was a strong smell of blood and cruelty, and a faint smell of sake. There were more than ten bodies displayed in a small room of ten square meters. They must have come to help their neighbors after hearing the screams. They may have no similarities before their death, but the cause of death was amazing similarity. They bled to death. Among these bodies, Shi Ping recognized a man whose nickname was "Nail" before his death. This man was famous for his tenacity and toughness in the black market boxing match, so he was qualified to be selected as a hunting team in 2008. His cause of death was to chew his own tongue.
How can bloody fear make this nerve as tough as a steel wire? Killing Han, who is used to everyday, is scared to death to escape!
Huang Laoshi didn’t die.
He laughed.
He knelt before his wife’s body was soaked with warm blood in the live caesarean section, and he smiled stupidly. Obviously, his body was drenched with urine from the beginning, and the body that had lost its life in front of him would occasionally have a spasm of consciousness. A red and white mixed broken little skull remained, and many bright red muscles remained. The pale skull surface was impressively covered with several gnawed teeth marks!
Since then, there has been no Huang Laoshi in the world, and there has been one who can laugh.
Shi Ping will never go back to a Japanese restaurant again. He is afraid to smell that smell.
After reading all this, my friends, will you still think of handsome Kimura, beautiful Sakai, wonderful Dragon Ball, the enemy saint?
Although the face writing is a small fiction, it is worse than this after the Lugouqiao incident. The tragedy is vast and there have been thousands of incidents in China! ! !
The following chapters are respectfully requested.
Dedicated to the Chinese sons and daughters who died in War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression! !
Me, my pen
Sacrifice Xuanyuan
Chapter 29 Tit for tat ()
The cup is cold and warm because of the reclaimed water.
Hatred is hard and cool, and it is dissolved by the blood of the enemy.